Christian Life Coach Training and Certification

Is My Client Coachable or Not Coachable?

How do you know when a client is ready for coaching?  Sometimes a potential client may appear to be ready for coaching, and a few questions right up front can help answer  “how coachable” is the client?” Here are a few questions for you to consider.

1. I can be relied upon to be on time for all calls and appointments.
2. I am willing to be accountable to another person.
3. I am fully willing to do the work and let the coach do the coaching.
4. I am willing to eliminate or modify any self-defeating behaviors that may limit my success.
5.  I am a self-starter and am willing to take the action necessary to achieve my goals.
6. I will speak truth to the coach.
7. I am willing to work with my coach in a partnership.
8.  I am well-disciplined and it is easy for me to draw boundaries.
9. I understand that coaching is not counseling, consulting, or mentoring. Coaching is an ongoing partnership that will help me produce fulfilling results in my personal and professional life.
10. My Christian values are my moral foundation.

Asking a few simple questions to assess your client’s coachability is a good way to build trust and open dialogue about the coaching relationship.

What additional tools do you use to identify your client’s coachability?

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Janice LaVore-Fletcher, PCC, CMC
Janice LaVore-Fletcher, PCC, CMC, As Founder and President of Christian Coach Institute, LLC, I have a passion for helping coaches become highly competent, confident, and fiercely courageous coaches. I want you to be well equipped to step out boldly and “be” and do the work you feel GOD is calling you to do.