1. Christ-centered coaches are often innately relational and compassionate individuals. Often, this deep-seated concern for others well-being is a major factor in becoming a coach. However, while having a generous spirit is foundational in developing trust with clients and deepening their walk with Christ, it can contribute to weak boundaries.

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  2. Few coaches ever arrive at the end of their career without having walked into the trap of comparison. New coaches, in particular, are vulnerable to looking right and left at more experienced coaches as they assess their God-given calling. In this post, we will explore how coaches can avoid the trap of comparison to other coaches.  Read More ›

  3. In today’s world of “go…go… go,” it’s easy to feel rushed to do everything. Rushed to get things accomplished, rushed to get where you’re going and rushed to make decisions.

    But one of the best things we can do for our clients is to slow down and give them “grace space.”

    Slow down and give your #coaching clients 'grace space' #CCI Share on XWhen we ask our clients a question, it is not our job to immediately jump in with a follow-up question. Instead, we need to pause and allow them time to really process the question and become more deeply aware of the situation before they answer. Read More ›

  4. Sometimes in life, we get so overwhelmed by the enormity of our goals that we give up before we even start trying to achieve them. If our goal is to lose 100 lbs., that number may seem so large and so daunting, that it keeps us from even taking a first step into the gym. Or we may dream about being the CEO of a company, but just the thought of starting at the bottom and working our way up through the ranks seems almost impossible, so why even bother? Read More ›