1. How to Choose the Best Life Coach for You


    Ready to commit to Life Coaching? The next step is choosing the right coach for you. As the demand for coaches increases, so do the options. This can make finding the right match confusing. Life coaches vary considerably in their specialties, approach and pricing. Because life coaching is a deeply personal process of self-discovery, a connection is important. So, how do you find the right coach for you? Invest time in the selection process. We have compiled our top ten tips to ensure you find the best possible coaching partnership.

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  2. Relationship CoachingAs a Christian coach, you know the relationship your client has with God is the most important relationship. as we are taught in scripture,  Matthew 22:36-40, (NIV).  God’s Greatest Commandment is about our relationship with Him, ourselves and others. Read More ›

  3. When most people think about life coaches, they probably think about goals, dreams and specific milestones to be reached. Coaching is more than helping your clients to reach goals and dream big.  Especially as a Christian Life Coach,  you want to encourage your clients to have fun and enjoy this life that God has blessed us all with! Having fun is a great way to clear away the “cobwebs”, energize, de-stress, and gain clarity and focus.  Which in turn, will be beneficial for your physical health as well.  Children usually seem so carefree because they never forget to have fun!  But we as adults, sometimes have to remind ourselves. Read More ›

  4. Coaching is NOT counseling.  Sometimes clients may want to hire a life coach yet they may really need a mental health professional. It is critical for coaches to recognize the signs when a person is in need of a mental health professional and refer the client. Thanks to Lynn F. Meinke, MA, RN, CLC, CSLC Life Coach for preparing this  document for the ICF on when coaches should refer a client to a counselor. This list is not all inclusive. Read More ›