Getting In Touch With Your “Why”

At some point or another, we all wonder WHY.  Why am I the person I am?  Why do I have the skills and abilities that I have?  Why am I here? We may wish the skies would open up and God would speak directly to us and say, “THIS is why you are here… insert purpose/mission.”  But that is most likely not going to happen in this lifetime.  However, that doesn’t mean that He won’t still lead and guide you if you ask and listen for Him.  Ask God to guide you and open up opportunities for you that will use the gifts He has given you to help others and to bring Him glory. Each of us has our own unique set of gifts and talents that God blessed us with before we were even born.  Even if you’re not sure exactly what your “purpose” is, you probably know what your gifts are.  They are what led you to pursue a career in coaching. Read More ›

Coaching Lessons from Nelson Mandela

Are You Ready to Take the Next Step? Sometimes it is easy to get stuck.  Not moving forward.  Not making progress. Looking back at the past. A few months ago, as I was walking through the Denver airport, I saw this photo that caught my attention. I was struck by the question under his photo, “What can one person do?”o  Hearing the news last week of Nelson Mandela’s death made me think of the way he lived his life. Read More ›

Do You Have Faith as a Mustard Seed?

In the Bible, the parable of the mustard seed is told three separate times, in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.  In Matthew 13:31-32, it is told like this: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches.” Why is this parable so important that it be used three different times by three different people? Read More ›

Coaching Clients to Undock and Set Sail

Taking that first courageous step toward something we want is often the most difficult. But if we ever want to achieve what it is we desire, it is necessary. Why is the first step so difficult though? What is it that so often hinders us so early on in our journey? The answer is simple, if not cliché: it’s fear of where the journey will take us.

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