Christian Life Coach Training and Certification

From Hula Hoop to Harmony

Everywhere you look, we’re being told that we should be able to maintain the perfect balance in our lives. As mother, daughter, sister, friend, lover, businesswoman, volunteer, church member, housekeeper, chauffeur, referee, veterinarian… that’s a lot of things to balance.

The self-help books and women and men in the magazines and on TV seem to make it look so easy. Yet somehow, the phenomenon of “life balance” always seemed to escape me. I started to wonder, was something wrong with me?

Instead of being like a trained circus performer who skillfully balanced everything in my life, I felt more like a clumsy schoolgirl trying to learn to hula hoop. Every time I’d get one area lifted up, to a place where I felt like I had a truly good grip on it, another area would drop. And around and round the cycle would go.

As a coach, I felt like I had to have it all together, all the time.  I continued to look for ways to have “life balance”.   And then one day, it occurred to me that even if I never get to a place where everything is truly balanced in my life, I CAN get to a place of harmony.

Because life really is like  balancing a bunch of hula hoops. All the different areas of life are always going to be swirling around us, gently swaying up and down, and that’s okay.

I don’t have to have everything perfectly aligned at all times. I only have to do my best at maintaining harmony between all the different parts of my life. When one part drops, it doesn’t mean everything else will too.

I can pick myself up, learn from the setback and start moving (and shaking) again.

As a coach, and coach trainer I know the power of inquiry. I love asking powerful and provocative questions to help my clients discover a deeper level of awareness. And,  I’ve also learned that sometimes the best coaching takes place between sessions as clients reflect on the questions that I asked during our session.  And, there are times when an assessment can support the client take an even deeper dive in a specific area and even identify new areas of coaching.

One of the tools I enjoy using with my clients is my Life Harmony (™) Assessment.  The Life Harmony Assessment supports coaches in a variety of niches as they work with clients to create a deeper level of awareness in various areas of their client’s life.  And,  now I am ready to share our proprietary Life Coaching Assessment Tool with you.

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Janice LaVore-Fletcher, PCC, CMC
Janice LaVore-Fletcher, PCC, CMC, As Founder and President of Christian Coach Institute, LLC, I have a passion for helping coaches become highly competent, confident, and fiercely courageous coaches. I want you to be well equipped to step out boldly and “be” and do the work you feel GOD is calling you to do.