1. Few coaches ever arrive at the end of their career without having walked into the trap of comparison. New coaches, in particular, are vulnerable to looking right and left at more experienced coaches as they assess their God-given calling. In this post, we will explore how coaches can avoid the trap of comparison to other coaches.  Read More ›

  2. As coaches we use many unique skills and spiritual gifts in building our ministry or business. However, we are all called to participate in God’s greater purpose for our life as servant leaders.

    What defines a servant leader?

    While our culture tends to recognize leaders as those with a particular skill set or personality, servant leadership isn’t based on talent or position; rather, it’s God’s high call on everyone’s life who is committed to following Jesus. Read More ›

  3. Do you ever think about how you might incorporate your faith into your goal setting process? When you take a moment to pause and think about it, are you unsure of where to start? It might seem challenging at first, but with Christ’s strength and guidance, we can absolutely combine the two! Sound good?! Let’s dive in. Read More ›

  4. He hit the table with his closed fist, making my glass of water splash and the other diners pause for that brief moment.  “I’ve got to reach younger men and help them grow in their  deeper in their walk with God,” he said through clenched teeth, “or I just won’t be able to live with myself!”

    I think you’ve just confirmed your passion.” Read More ›