Hope in Chaotic Times

During times of chaos, we place our hope in the one who never changes, Jesus Christ.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

As Christian Life Coaches, our clients, families, and friends, are often looking to the coach in their midst for a different voice in the storm. Our empathetic voices can bring a sense of clarity, calmness, and hope.

There is a wonderful acronym for H.O.P.E.

H old

O n

P ain

E nds

As Christians, we have a choice to make. We can function with a “hope” mentality or a “despair” mentality. After all, we are called to be the salt and light of the earth.

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Coaching And Emotional Intelligence

Although one’s IQ, or intellectual intelligence, is certainly important in life, their EQ, or emotional intelligence, can be equally if not more important.  Emotional intelligence has been defined as the ability to monitor and interpret one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions and use this information to guide one’s actions and behaviors.

Our emotional intelligence can affect all areas of our lives including our relationships, our self-esteem, our health and our work performance.  As Christian Life Coaches,  understanding, managing, and expressing our emotions can keep our bodies healthy, make us more productive and help us to support our clients in these areas.

But if we get our intellectual intelligence from books and education, how do we develop our emotional intelligence? Read More ›

Core Values: How Clear Are Your Core Values?

Core Values Exercise:

How clear are your core values? Clear values motivate us. Clear values help us make decisions. Clear values are the foundation for growth. Clear values bring greater inner peace. What are your Top 5 Values? Read More ›